Thursday, April 27, 2006

This is my luck. A.K.A.: Spring coats, take two.

Two posts down I lamented my lack of a spring jacket - and just for the record, we had another bright, beautiful, cool day today. Look at all the days I'm wasting, not being fabulously jacketed!

While surfing around Neiman Marcus I saw a cute linen version of the classic denim jacket and fell completely in love. $158 .00, though. Not bad, but I don't think I'll be buying it. Still, I was inspired. Yes! A denim jacket! I've never had one, but I've always wanted one, and I have *no* idea why I've never bought one. I now know what I want.

I cruised around a bit more and found a jacket on the Eddie Bauer site, for about half the price of the linen version. Hmmm. But!

Then I found the perfect jacket. Look! Dickie's garment washed, relaxed fit, and only $28.99! Sadly, and I do mean sadly, the site's telling me there are "no sizes currently available" which I'm guessing is Dickie's-speak for: "currently out of stock." The bastards!

Witness the cuteness and share my pain.

Today's bag: Pierotucci Birkin-style bag.

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