Monday, June 12, 2006

Waaay big bags.

I'm a crazed monkey when it comes to bag links - I collect them like they're going out style. While perusing The Bag Lady's blog yesterday I came across one I'd never seen: My Wardrobe. Like a proper crazed monkey I scampered right over to check out the goods.

There were a couple of bags that I found intriguing, from a designer I'd never heard of, J&M Davidson. First, the Portman bag. There's something vaguely Marc Jacobs/Marc by Marc Jacobs-ish about it.

When I saw the second picture I was amazed at the size of this thing. This bag could tote just about anything you could possibly want for the day, probably with plenty of room to spare.

It's 11” x 17” x 8.5”, and it's 1023.00. I'm not sure this is exactly me, but it's certainly eye-catching.

This second bag is more likely something I'd buy, but probably won't - I'd be too worried about keeping it clean. I'd freak if I paid 1350.00 for a white bag and I got something on it. It's the Jefferson Buckle bag, also by J&M Davidson.

Again, I was surprised when I saw this bag with a model - it's huge.

It's 20" x 6” x 12", big enough to serve as an overnight bag in a pinch. And what a stylish overnight bag it would be.

Today's bag: Louis Vuitton Speedy 30.


Designer Ella said...

You have a great blog here, I've enjoyed several posts reading back.

Thanks for linking to us at Pursed Lips, I'm about to add your link, too!

Designer Ella said...

Oh, my little shoe icon reminded me that I had a question: Why are shoes in your icon, and not a bag?

fox said...

Hi! I cruised by Pursed Lips about ten minutes ago and I was stunned to see a link to my blog. I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. Thank you for the link!

Regarding the icon... I had a specific idea of the kind of bag I wanted, preferably something in from a vintage illustration. I surfed for hours but couldn't find anything I liked. Then I found this:, a vintage poster for Bally shoes.

I loved the sweep of the dress (coat?), the movement implied in the position of her feet (is she dancing?), and of course, the very lady-like shoes themselves. I cropped the image to see what would happen, and I fell in love. :-)